The Cycle of Growth - On the surface of dead matter there, we live. One is linked to the other and so we grow, connect and communicate through space. We are where other things have died. But where there is death, there is also life and a new beginning and transformation into new matter.

We are part of a cycle, but not many know how important we are and what we are capable of. Mostly, they are only interested in our fruits, the emergence that sprouts from the forest ground. They are greedy for our fruits, the juice, and the taste, but we are much more. We are a commu- nity, closely connected and in constant exchange about our surroundings. Those who know us think we are highly intelligent, but in the end, we are just doing what we have been doing for millions of years. We don’t work against the great, we work with it. Call it nature. So, if you want to live fully and deeply connected, stay with us. We will show and teach you the cycle of growth.

Location: Brandenburg, Germany
Zane Berzina
Material: Residual material from the region of Brandenburg, Mycelium

Project developed at Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin.


The Avocado Legacy, 2023


In:between, 2021