The Avocado Legacy investigates design as a means to ignite social and environmental discussions within the collections of the Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden, Germany. Starting with the global fascination for avocados, a team of creatives led by Mexican designer Fernando Laposse has crafted artefacts from avocado waste (peels, seeds), transforming them into new biomaterials and natural dyes. This project not only showcases the plant's creative potential but also encourages reflection on the ecological and social impacts of consumption-driven lifestyles.
Focusing on Mexico, where avocados have shifted from humble guacamole to a global health trend, the project highlights the negative consequences of this popularity, including deforestation and violence against vulnerable communities. Drawing parallels to historical colonial practices, The Avocado Legacy critiques the past's myth-making around exotic materials. By referencing 17th-century aesthetics, it offers a tongue-in-cheek commentary on today's obsession with "green gold."